Pro Performance
Racing at breakneck speeds against the clock requires great attention to detail to perform at the highest levels. Although our gloves have been trusted by top level Professional Racers for years, we developed an elevated glove with Downhill World Cup Athlete & Back-to-Back National Champion Neko Mulally, to hone in on those finer details that make the split second differences to hold onto your bars in the most demanding situations.
Pro Performance Features
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Standard Gloves Sizing Guide
Sizing Guide
Our glove sizes are unisex and they will stretch as you wear them. If you are between sizes, we recommend the smaller size.

4-Way Stretch

Touch Screen Compatible

Style Point Increase

Nose Wipe

High Performance

Breathable Fabric
Additional Details
Why We Made the Pro Performance Glove
Pro Glove Features & Materials
Glove Wash Instructions
Crash Replacement
Hey, we’ve all crashed and torn up our gear. If a crash caused the issue, we have a crash replacement program. Just send us an email on our Returns and Exchanges page and we'll get you taken care of.
All HANDUP products come with a warranty that carries up to 1-year from the original purchase dates for defects not caused by regular wear and tear.