Much like people’s ability to stay on the bike during their runs at wind rock, we promise to keep this write up short and sweet. Hell, we have to since our writing skills developed at Derek Zoolander’s Center for Kids that can’t Read Good!
To begin, we’d be so bold as to say the hike up was tougher than the ride down. Step after step of peanut butter mud that rivaled a PB&J left in the sun was not made ANY easier by the 6 pack of miller lite in our bags. Of course, the party at the top was all worth it as the non-pro races turned into more of a slip-n-slide, which lead to a lot of laughs (all in good fun). Don’t worry, we spotted quite a few riders laughing at themselves trying to swim back up to their discarded bikes. In fact, 2 times, we saw dudes stop at the top and throw their hands up as if they were about to long board their bikes the whole way down. Most of the crowd seemed to think “Nah….. you’re gonna want to hang on to those handlebars.” Truthfully, the whole scene made you all the more appreciative of the novices that road it clean and the Pros that made it looks like a walk in the park.
All in all, the boys at Windrock ran an incredibly clean event, even in the face of rain for a month. Side bar: WHY THE HELL WON’T IT STOP RAINING!
Anyway, everything was in order. Period. Even parking was as simple as could be. The Venue, the trails, pit area, the parking, the shuttles, and the party at the top were all run with complete efficiency. Quite frankly, sort of hope that it’s a beautiful, muddy mess again next year!
Check out Wind Rock HERE
PS: The Bahama Mama gloves made a pretty muddy debut.