Event Donation Application:
We sincerely appreciate that you'd like us to be a part of your event! In full disclosure to you, we do not sponsor events monetarily. However, we are excited to send you gear if your event and the things we stand for as a company align!
We like to think of ourselves as a “non-traditional” company and we tend to do “non-traditional” things that showcases some creativity and fun. Therefore we like to donate product to go towards Hidden Handup's. A hidden HANDUP is something we've done for years on social media where someone from the event staff or even the event director hides 1-3 pair of HANDUP gloves and posts where to find them on their social media. It's a great way to add a fun element to the event and doesn't take much effort at all.
If you have another creative way to give out HANDUP gloves, please lest us know in the form and we will certainly consider an alternate to the Hidden HANDUP Requirement. Here are some other things we've seen:
- Dead last award(s)
- Fastest Beverage chug contests
- Worst outfit or best outfit of the day award
- The list goes on....
Please Sign up below for your event to be considered:
NOTE: We check through these periodically and are not beholden to any timeline. If your event is selected, we will send gear as fast as the next business day.